Assassin's Creed Syndicate Assassin's Creed Syndicate
After completing my second ghost hunt
with Charles Dickens, I decided it was about time to shut down the last
factory forcing children into labor. As I made my way across
Westminster, zipping between rooftops with my rope launcher, a notice
popped up indicating I was approaching a bounty hunt. The objective was
simple--kill an important member of my rival gang--and I decided the
children could wait a bit longer. I was in and out of the mission in
under a minute after dropping hanging barrels on gang members, throwing
down a smoke bomb and taking out the leader with a gun to the head. I
ziplined out, stopping only once more to change my outfit to one that
held more throwing knives, before dropping by a black market stall for a
refill and dashing towards the factory. The children of London needed
This is Assassin's Creed Syndicate's
playground. One moment you're free-running through a borough towards
the next story mission, the next you're sneaking through a dilapidated
building picking off criminals as you find yourself irresistibly drawn
to the promise of experience points and in-game cash--not to mention
notoriety among the London underground. The organic way in which
missions and side projects pop up is bolstered by their placement in a
gorgeous rendition of 1868 London, complete with massive factories
spewing smoke into the sky and intricately detailed copies of every
major landmark you can think of--all climbable, of course. Overlaying
all of this is one of the best stories the Assassin's Creed franchise
has told in recent years, featuring dual protagonists that are relatable
and lovable. Occasionally during climbing it can feel like your freedom
of movement is limited, and controls will sometimes sabotage you with
some unwieldiness and counterintuitive button placement. More of the
environment has been made available for you to climb on, and the rope
launcher can attach to nearly all ledges, so these small occurrences of
flying off the rails are inconvenient at worst. But overall combat and
movement feel great, and Assassin's Creed Syndicate's story is charming,
while countless amusements will keep you lost in London for hours.
Syndicate's story is an intimate, personal tale like that of last year's Assassin's Creed Unity
mixed with older Assassin's Creeds' tendencies to pack in the
historical figures. The modern day elements are more toned down than
they were in previous Assassin games, so much so that they're barely
present. You spend all your time as Jacob and Evie Frye, assassin twins
who come to London in 1868. Under the leadership of Crawford Starrick,
the Templars have a stranglehold on the city, and a sinister gang called
the Blighters run things to their liking.
absence of any fiddling around in a present-day timeline is a boon to
Syndicate's story, allowing laser-focus on the 1868 London plot. The
story centers around the politics and policies of Industrial Revolution
London, with Jacob and Evie fighting not only to dismantle the Templar
conspiracy but also to bring justice and refuge to the city's
downtrodden. Jacob and Evie also frequently fight each other, with
disagreements about what it means to be an Assassin forming a tense
undercurrent. Along the way, the two come into contact with a smattering
of historical characters--ranging from Alexander Graham Bell (who gives
the game's best items) to Charles Dickens and Karl Marx--making the
Fryes tangential and sometimes integral to the great successes these
individuals achieved. These interactions fit neatly into Syndicate's
overall flow, and while it does seem like these figures are packed in a
little too tight, the game gives breathing room to each individual
London feels alive. Towers breathe smoke
into the sky, stations bustle with passengers and passing trains, the
homeless burn fires in trash cans in alleys, and stray cats pause to
look at you while you lie in wait for your target. Bystander AI can be
overdramatic at times, cowering in fear indefinitely after witnessing
you murder someone in front of them, but those visceral reactions are
what make starting fights in public such a delight. You throw a punch in
a marketplace and crowds immediately vacate the area, fleeing from your
wrath. Little boys and women run and scream as you sink your blade in
someone's throat. NPCs also yell at you when you loot bodies, bid you
good-day as you walk by, and make whispered comments to companions about
your looks. And piled on top of it all is a brilliant soundtrack, a
seamless sea of tunes that capture the sadness of the poor and the
determination of the Fryes. In one instance, as you climb a spire to a
viewpoint, a soft soprano-and-string number kicks in, painting a picture
of melancholy for the past and hope for the future. Sights and sounds
combine to create an irresistible portrait of London, and make exploring
for every side quest and collectible an enjoyable experience.
and fighting in London is also a satisfying experience, at least when
controls cooperate. Combat is fluid and simple and relies mostly on the
D-pad, on which directions are mapped to attack, counter, stun and
shoot. If you're quick, you can punch in combos that knock enemies over
and trigger some final execution moves that are brutal and beautiful.
It's undeniably satisfying to chain hits and kills until you're bopping
around between enemies in a gang war, flying along a circle of
combatants and systematically bringing them to their knees in one fell
Free-running follows this same
simplicity; hold down R2 while running and press one button to go up and
another to go down. You can climb pretty much everything in London with
relative ease, with the city's gorgeous details offering compelling
arguments to eschew fast travel. But these controls take some time
getting used to and feel counterintuitive, especially while climbing.
Sometimes you'll kick off a wall when you meant to climb up or go up
when you try to go down; this imprecision has characterized the series
controls from the start. But in Syndicate this imprecision is
infrequent, and while the controls aren't perfect they do feel much
better and more fluid.
Gone are the days of
snapping to cover and blending into crowds. In Syndicate, a white
"Threat Ring" appears around your assassin when enemies are near.
Markings on the ring show you where enemies are relative to your
position, which is helpful when you're crouching in an area and can't
see much. This tool makes stealth much easier and allowed me to gauge
who to take out first based on how close they were and whether they'd
noticed me. Then you can determine which tools to whip out of your belt,
be it electric bombs or throwing knives. Do I smoke bomb this group and
take out the leader under cover? Or do I just escape to a rooftop and
pick them off one by one with throwing knives? Or better, make them turn
on each other with hallucinogenic darts? The tools at your disposal and
how you combine them is entirely up to you, and Syndicate's mission
design offers ample breathing room to complete each mission in your own
can recall only using Syndicate's fast travel points three times during
my entire playthrough, because with the rope launcher in your toolbox,
why would you take any other route through London? The setting is so
lovely, and zipping across the city like a Victorian Spider-Man makes
you truly feel like the city's protector, dropping to the streets every
so often to air assassinate someone. In addition to setting up aerial
kills, using the rope launcher instead of fast travel allows you to
organically stumble upon one of London's many sidequests and make a pit
stop for extra cash. Many times, on my way to a story mission, I would
zipline over a side mission and think, "Why the hell not, I'm here!" One
tool helps you traverse, discover, escape, and assassinate. The rope
launcher is the thing this franchise so desperately needed, and now that
it's here I don't ever want to be without it.
new mechanic is the ability to drive carriages. I found Syndicate's
vehicles relatively easy to handle. You can also do any number of things
with these carriages, including hijacking them for your own purposes
and hiding bodies in them. One string of side missions involved
collecting wanted criminals for a policeman; I would knock them out,
steal a carriage from an unwitting bystander, put the body in the car,
and then drive away. In some instances the rival gang has carts on the
road as well, which can devolve into some hilariously fun Grand Theft
Auto-style chases. You can ram carriages as they ride up next to yours
or climb up onto your own carriage’s roof to engage in fisticuffs with
enemies. Hijacking moving carts is thrilling, and destruction is
encouraged. There's an experience perk you can earn for destroying
street lamps and other public property, so don't be shy about running
people over.
Combat, grand theft carriage, and
bounties all play into the game's main story, and you'll be tasked with
doing all of these things over the course of Jacob and Evie's
adventures. While you can switch between the twins on the fly when
playing side missions, you'll be locked into playing as a certain twin
for specific story tasks. Each chapter has dedicated objectives for both
Jacob and Evie. Jacob's tasks cause more mayhem and utilize his talent
for close-quarters combat as he seeks to bring justice to London's
underdogs, often resulting in explosions and other destruction. Evie's
missions mostly require sneaking around without being detected. Her
objectives feel closer to the traditional Assassin's Creed story, and
you'll spend time with her doing the order proud while Jacob makes a
mess of everything and invests in creating his own gang, the Rooks.
addition to differing personalities--with Evie constantly reprimanding
Jacob while he rather humorously bumbles around achieving his squad
goals--the twins have different unique skills that tie into their
interpretation of what it means to be an assassin. Evie's special skills
are stealth-based, with one incredibly useful ability allowing her to
disappear completely while she's standing still in sneak mode. She can
also hold twice as many throwing knives as Jacob and her stealth stats
far exceed her brother's. She'll be the one you take with you on bounty
hunting and liberation missions. Jacob is more suited for gang wars, a
brawler who takes less damage and, with all skills unlocked, can bring
enemies to near-death states quicker. Their differences are noticeable
in gameplay, and rather than have one character you can customize either
way, it's a brilliant touch to have two characters ready and available
for different kinds of missions at any given time.
cannot stress enough how deeply likeable and relatable Jacob and Evie
can be. Evie is serious but sweet, tough in battle but willing to pick
up the scattered papers of a stranger she bumps into on the street. She
acts more like an older sister than a twin, bossing her brother around
and openly deriding his more destructive decisions. Jacob is goofy,
flippant, cheeky, and is more concerned about his gang and toys while
his sister fulfills her oath. He makes fun of Evie's belief in ghosts
and her willingness to help everyone they meet, but under all that snark
it's clear he loves his sister. Their banter is sweet and at times
funny, and while they are two separate entities when it comes to combat,
they truly feel like two parts of the same whole. Their story is a
powerful one, about duty and family, and the ease with which they
communicate and the believability of their relationship showcases the
draw of Syndicate's narrative. Add to this a supporting cast filled with
diverse, equally believable characters, and Syndicate feels a little
bit like being at a party with all of your friends.
addition to leveling up Jacob and Evie, you can level up their
green-clad gang, the Rooks. I became obsessed with tricking out my gang,
because having strong fighters on the streets mean you'll always have
backup in a fight. Using in-game currency, you can unlock perks for your
gang, such as sturdier carriages and cheap access to hallucinogenic
darts. You can even pay off policeman to turn a blind eye to some of
your illegal activities and assemble an army of children to bring you
crafting items on the streets. Micromanaging your gang is worthwhile
because it completely changes your experience in London. Having this
extra layer to deal with keeps you engaged in activities outside the
main story and is another fun way to leave your mark on the world.
story is a riveting tale of compassion and greed, but the mechanics of
its climax don't carry enough urgency and drama. A final boss fight
usually tests the skills you've learned throughout the game, but
Syndicate's is a memorable for the wrong reasons. It's an anticlimactic
scramble through moving environmental obstacles to reach the boss and
trigger a quick time event. This sequence of events happens several
times in order for you to beat the encounter. It's a frustrating setup
that tosses all narrative tension out the window.
But a
disappointing final fight and some control hitches can't diminish the
charms of Assassin's Creed Syndicate. The game is a triumphant return to
form for the franchise, and presents a beautifully structured tale with
heart and soul to spare. Ziplining through London is thrilling, and the
game allows you to organically discover missions and leaves you
open-ended solutions lets you to create a meaningful, personal
experience within its world. Coupled with strong, loveable leads and a
seemingly endless procession of ways to leave your (fictional) mark on
London's history, Assassin's Creed Syndicate is a shining example of
gameplay and storytelling.